Friday, August 17, 2018

Color Explosions

The Southern Utah Art Guild is sponsoring another upcoming show for all members. The theme is "Color Explosions." I have been thinking about joining this event and I decided to paint this little creature last night. I knew I wanted something like this particular animal because it almost blends in with its habitat except for his pink bum and striking blue and red face. So, it's a splash of color in an otherwise mostly green environment.

Nursery Art is also one of my favorite genres and something that appeals to me. I run an in home preschool a couple days a week, and this looks like the perfect little piece to share during "animals of the world month." 

Mandrill in Congo
11.25" x 8.25"
Acrylic on wood

I was on a painting kick for a few days after Mandrill in Congo, and I painted three other splashy paintings. First I completed a beach themed landscape with flamingos. Then I did by request, a fireworks explosion with children on the beach looking on. And lastly, I did a funky little duo of whimsy nature creatures looking on. I think the two most qualified for the Art Show "Color Explosions" are the fireworks painting and the funky nature duo.

What do you think?